Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The day after

Yesterday was semi brutal but not the worst thing I've ever experienced. It truly felt like a hangover. It started out with brain fog and fuzziness and slowly drifted into that sort of spinning "I've been hit by a bus" feeling. At about 3:10 the nausea kicked in. Gratefully it never went passed nausea and was pretty much managed by medications and keeping my stomach coated with kefir every couple of hours.  I even got a piece of toast in me by the end of the day.

Today was a little bit better.  I am calling it the hangover of my hangover.  I know those of you who have ever had a bad hangover knows what I'm talking about.  It was that sort of lethargic, tired, not quite nauseous but not quite interested in food either.  I spent a good portion of the day in bed napping and relaxing.  I'm feeling like I'm on the upswing for sure already.  Here's hoping that this is the "normal" trend for my treatments.  I think I can handle two rough days out of every two weeks.

Today's shout outs go to a few people.  First off Nick and my mom for their tireless support of me.  I can't imagine how wearing it is to live this every day from the outside.  And yet they still show up with a smile on their face and a great deal of caretaking.  They were my support team on Monday- through the worst of it.  Then today my dad took morning shift along with my mom so that I could sleep when Bella was awake.  He was here well into the afternoon and even took me down to my appointment to get my shot to help encourage my white blood cell count up.  Then Nick's mom Lorraine came by and spent all afternoon with us.  After being here for the afternoon she decided she was taking tomorrow off and spending the night with us so that we could all get a full night of sleep while she takes night shift for Bella.  This will be the first time that someone other than Nick or myself have taken night shift so it should be interesting!  I'm sure it will go great.  Though I will miss my baby girl since this will be my second night in a row sleeping away from her.  Hopefully though it will allow me to wake up in the morning happy and feeling good and ready to play with my sweet girl!  I also received a package from my girlfriend Courtney with a lovely teal colored hat.  Thanks Courtney!  Bella wanted to try it on too so I took a (blurry) picture and have posted it below.  Final shout out to a visit from our friends Matt & Lindsay who brought me a great cotton hat (so soft!) and some yummy bath gel.  I never thought that having cancer would actually make me feel pampered!  Thanks you guys!  It was so sweet of you.

On another note I was talking with my mom about comments on here and decided I wanted to encourage those of you that are reading to feel free to leave comments.  I realize at times this may read like a personal journal.  I just don't know how to write any other way I guess, but I am very thoughtful in the reality that this is public and is written to all of you, my friends, family and other followers.  So please feel free to make any comments you are inspired to make. =)  I appreciate them and it encourages me to continue writing regularly when I know there are people out there reading!  Even if all you have to say is "thinking of you" or something short like that.

Bella trying on my new hat from Courtney!


  1. Thank you Karey for sharing what your going through, it gives me comfort that someone I know if dealing with this too and can understand the pain in the ass it can be. It's times like these when your reminded how many people care for you. My family's sending you good thoughts

  2. Karey!! I think about you every day and I'm checking your website everyday too!! I am SO proud of you and in awe of your strength!! XOXOOXOXO, Corina

  3. Karey - I just got back home to my apartment and I got a chance to catch up on all your recent posts. Keep up the writing - there are tons of people out here (even people that don't know you so very well for example!) who not only want to be updated on how you are doing but really want to know your thoughts and ideas! You are an inspiration! How are you feeling today?

  4. Yay you got the hat! I love it on Bella - but think it will be equally darling on you! The Nordstrom saleslady said that the tie goes on the side, and the hat's supposed to flap a bit. I thought it was a nice alternative to snug skull caps... XOXOXO

    I'm obviously thinking of you non-stop! You know! Much love from me and my little bean.
