Monday, January 10, 2011

Great Great Noni

Today we visited with Isabella's Great Great Noni.  Yes, that is two greats.  I believe I posted before about how Isabella makes five generations on Nick's side.  We've been making an effort to make sure that she spends as much time with her Great Great Noni as possible.  Sadly, we expect there isn't a whole lot of time left with her.  She has been rapidly declining over the last three months and it doesn't look like she will improve again.  But this blog isn't about that.

So far, Isabella has been great visiting with people.  She is friendly and social and loves new friends and faces.  I think the tide may be turning slightly on that.  All babies go through "stranger danger" phases as well as mommy and daddy phases.  Today may have just been a bad day, but it may be the beginning of one of these phases.  When we were getting ready to go, little miss was happy as a clam.  Her uncle G and Noni Lorraine got her dressed and she happily fell asleep in the car with little fuss.  When we arrived for our visit, she was still sleeping, but sadly woke up as soon as we got out of the car which was much too soon.  When we got upstairs I pulled her out of her car seat and she just seemed sleepy.  Noni Lorraine took her to wake up Great Auntie Linda and the next thing I know she is inconsolably crying.

We spent the rest of the afternoon trying to keep Isabella happy.  She was definitely tired, and without question teething, but I've never seen her so difficult to distract to happiness.  She was only taking to me or Nick and occasionally Uncle G.  Pretty much everyone else brought out an immediate cry.  All her Noni's and Aunties had no luck.  It will be an interesting time if she is in fact entering this phase.  I'm totally spoiled with my easy going baby in this regard!  Well the goal for this week is to get out more while still getting the house together for a visit this weekend, so we will see how we do!

Friday, January 7, 2011

First Food

The day after Christmas we gave Isabella her first "food".  She enjoyed (I use the term loosely) some baby oatmeal.  She was not terribly excited by it.  I can't really blame her though.  Who wants grainy milk?  Let's face it, that's all baby cereal is.  So after trying again the next day, I decided to forget cereal and skip straight to starter foods.  Next up, was sweet potato.  Bella found this much more interesting though still only took a few bites before being done with the experience.

Since then she has enjoyed some avocado, and banana.  Banana is the clear favorite for now.  Today she ate an entire container of banana!

So we have begun the process of eating real foods and watching our little baby grow up before our eyes.  It is amazing how fast time goes.  I could swear she is still a tiny little thing who just needs to nap in her mama's arms, but alas, she grows more and more every day into her own little person.  She continues to be a personality and a half and thinks her daddy is the funniest person on the planet.  She is fascinated by the dogs and loves to watch them and pet them when they come close.

This month marks her half year birthday.  I don't know how it happened so quickly, but here we are.  I'm amazed every day by her beautiful life and the joy that she brings us.  We are so lucky to have this little girl in our lives.

Sweet Potato!



New Year's Eve Party Girl!

Disney Girl!