Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Messy Truth

I know I've had down post after down post lately. Truth is, I'm in a crazy hard period of life. I'll survive- look around and you'll see loads of parents with grown children. A friend of mine posted this link on Facebook and I think it describes perfectly my state of being right now. Add to that cancer in the middle and that's my life. Sleep deprived, messy, lonely, crazy, beautiful life.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What I love...

One of the blogs I follow posted from another blogs prompt today.  It was "What are three things you LOVE about yourself".  She didn't post anything crazy- simple things that anyone could easily name about themselves (well, similar, not specifically the same).  As I read it I realized, in this moment, I cannot name three things about myself that I love.  Like, sure, but not love.  That's a pretty sad statement.  Clearly, I have some work to do.

So readers- can you name three things about yourself that you LOVE.  I hope so.  I hope you can name more than that.  If you feel up to it, please share!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Trying again

Assuming no babies wake up needing me, I am stealing a moment to try and post a little update.  Boy does time fly when you're having... fun? =)

Bella is doing great.  She is so smart and sassy and funny.  She is really picking up on our language these days.  Don't get me wrong- she has been crazy verbal for a long time, but now she is starting to use our phrases, well beyond just funny little parrot moments.  Of course now that I'm trying to think of one I totally cannot.  She is just full of it though.  So much character and hilarity spilling out.  Can be challenging at times but ultimately she is such an awesome person, it is easy to forget those tough moments quickly.

Gio is getting more and more fun every day now too.  We had the reflux well under control for about 6 weeks now, well until this past week!  Now its rearing its ugly little head again and making my mostly hapoy boy, very unhappy.  He is working really hard at grabbing things and putting them in his mouth.  He is also rolling all over the place.  I can see it won't be long till this boy is cruising around.  He is already desperate to get a move on.  God willing he will hold off on crawling for me.  I'm not ready for that!  He isn't quite able to sit up on his own yet, but getting stronger and stronger.  Mostly he is just so interactive and fun.  He loves to laugh.  He enjoys music a ton, and thinks Bella is hilarious.  He's definitely a mama's boy at this point, but hey- I've got all the milk!  Hard to believe that he is already five months old!  (Okay in two days, but still!)

I am starting to see the light from the depths of newborn land.  I don't think I landed as deeply in crazytown as I did with Bella.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still certifiable, but not for the same mommy reasons.  Sleep deprived as I may be, I'm mostly getting by.  Struggling, yes, but looking to find "me" again, as opposed to worrying quite so desperately that I'm going to ruin my child.

Speaking of sleep deprivation, I'm hitting my nightly wall.  Pretty good since I didn't get my nap today!  And so, life goes on.

New Design

Finally had a chance to update my design here on the ole blog!  Hope you like it.  Maybe an actual blog will follow soon! =)


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Quick and Dirty

Its been forever I know.  I think all the time about what blog posts I'm going to write.  I pretty much have a constant few going on in my head.  How I might phrase some thought, or share some silly story.  But then life happens.  I don't get on the computer and frankly hate writing blogs from my phone (which is how the last few have come to you).  Simply stated- having two kids is flipping hard.  Maybe just for me.  Or people like me.  I keep thinking about how many people in this world have two, three, four, or more children.  I  just don't know how they do it.  I see my world spinning around me so insanely right now.  I just don't know how to keep it together.  Not even sort of.

As I type this, I hear Gio fussing.  He should be sleeping.  So what I had hoped would at least be a "quick and dirty" update, is now a truly quick and dirty post to say that I'm alive.  And think that I might be coming out of the muck if just a little.  I hope to be back soon.  I feel like once I get there the flood gates will burst open and you'll be reading everything from Christmas, to my second cancerversary (Feb 23), to motherhood, to marriage... So much to say and no time to say it!

Off to snuggle my sweet little boy in hopes that he goes the eff to sleep. =)