Monday, April 4, 2011

It's shrinking!

I'm sitting at chemo number two and my oncologist confirmed that my tumor is shrinking. Last time she measured it at 5cm x 5cm and it was 7 cm deep per the MRI. Today it has flattened out significantly and measures about 3cm x 3 or 4 cm. So that's good news!

Send me good thoughts today for more major shrinkage! The doctor even said by the end of this cycle (halfway through chemo) we may not even be able to feel the tumor. That is the sort of good news I needed!


  1. This is WONDERFUL news Karey!!! I hope chemo round 2 went well today and you are not feeling too sick from the side effects. Rest up and shrink that tumor!!! xoxoxo

  2. SHRINKING! Yes, awesome, hooray! Sending shrinking juju and love to you.xoxo ali
