Monday, November 21, 2011

Busy Bee

I've been a little behind on my posting!  I knew it had been a couple of days, but didn't realize it had been four days!  Yikes!  I've been busy, playing with my family at the Discovery Museum, dress shopping in the city for my birthday dress and Bella's Christmas dress (success! thank you Lorraine!!!), and just generally keeping busy.  On top of all of this, Bella has been teething like crazy and as a result not sleeping well at all.  Poor girl has been waking up every hour or two at night crying inconsolably.  Unfortunately that means I have not been sleeping either.  This finally caught up with me last night when I was hit with a migraine.  Gratefully my mom let me sleep this morning which helped quite a bit.  The headache still isn't totally gone, but tomorrow I will go back to my clinic for an appointment, so if I need something stronger I'm sure they can help me.  Speaking of being grateful, my missed gratitudes! =)

Friday I was grateful for delicious, fresh, and local food!  Nick and I had an impromptu dinner at The Girl and The Fig in Sonoma.  We had been in the area to pick up some wine from a wine sale and Nick's mom had offered to watch Bella so we could have dinner while we were out.  It was early so even without reservations (on a Friday night no less) we ate at this well known and fantastic restaurant.  The food was so delicious, and much of the produce comes from their garden in the back of the restaurant, and local farms.  I had a cheese course to start and realized I'm a bit of a local cheese snob!  Several of the items on their menu are cheeses that I can get easily at any of our local grocery stores.  Lucky us.  I was grateful for the amazing food that is available to us locally, both in restaurants and to buy at markets year round.

Saturday I was grateful for resources.  We aren't wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, but we are able to live a comfortable life.  We have a nice house in a nice neighborhood, good food in our fridge and cupboards, and the option to do fun things.  I was able to decide to join the Discovery Museum on Saturday when I saw that it was a really fun way to entertain kids.  As a stay at home mom, it is helpful to have regular activities.  We already belong to the SF Zoo, but it is nice to have an option on this side of the bridge.  I feel very lucky that I have options like this.

Sunday I was grateful for how easy it is to take Isabella out in public.  She is such a well behaved toddler.  Bella, Lorraine and I went shopping for several hours.  Bella hadn't had a nap and didn't melt down at all.  She sat through lunch at the Neiman Marcus Rotunda, only getting a little squirmy at the end (and considering she was in a booster and not a high chair, this was particularly impressive).  She happily played while we shopped, telling us what was "pretty" throughout.  I feel very lucky to have such a happy girl who thrives on stimulating environments.

Today I am grateful for Nick.  He is at the tail end of planning my birthday/ cancer free party and hitting the slightly stressful point of it all.  It has become very clear how much pride he is taking in planning this event.  This is all after the last, well honestly two years, of supporting me through pregnancy, breastfeeding, new mommy crazy, and finally breast cancer.  He hasn't had a full partner for a long time, and yet he is taking extra time and energy from his life to show me how much I am loved.  I am a lucky person to call him my friend, my family, my husband.

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