Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Challenges Continue

I am finding certain aspects of pregnancy particularly challenging.  Having been raised in a household where homeopathic medicine was the first course of action, I was taught to listen to my body.  It has taken me many years but I finally feel like I am in tune with my body and what is going on most of the time.  I know how to treat many issues that I face regularly relatively quickly and easily.

Since becoming pregnant, or in reality since morning sickness kicked in (around 6 weeks), I feel like I have lost that connection to my body.  I feel crummy and just don't know what to do to make myself feel better.  First it was the challenge of finding ways to help the nausea- sometimes that meant eating frequent small meals, other times it just meant eating whatever I could get in my mouth without gagging.  Every single day it was different.  Once the nausea improved, I was still fighting severe food aversions.  If nothing sounds remotely edible, it is difficult to avoid making yourself feel ill.  Now in the last few days it has been easier to find foods that sound edible, but I still haven't quite been able to find healthful choices to keep my diet in balance.  Protein and vegetables have been the toughest to find, and fruit seems to spike my blood sugar so I have to be careful how much or how often I eat it.

I trust that each day I am closer to the point in my pregnancy where eating will be something I have to limit, more than something I have to force.  I believe that the baby and my body are dictating what they need, and am working on trusting that if I need something, my body will allow me to get it into my system.

The challenge is not knowing how to manage these things.  Yesterday I ended up with the worst migraine headache that I have had in a very long time.  This is my fourth migraine since becoming pregnant.  The previous migraines have been quickly dealt with by drinking a cup of coffee.  The caffeine is introduced quickly through the hot liquid and takes the edge of the pain off by constricting the capillaries (as I understand it).  Well last night, it wasn't working.  If you've ever experienced a migraine, you know it is an awful feeling to begin with.  To add to that the inability to take anything that will ease your pain, and the only item you are able to take, to not work, it leaves you feeling completely helpless, and suffering with the pain.

I ultimately called my doctor and had a prescription for vicodan called in for me that my dad picked up and brought to me.  For those of you thinking "vicodan, is that okay!?!"- yes it is fine during pregnancy.  It doesn't cross the blood barrier or something like that, so it is safe for baby, just like tylenol.  All the same, not something I am thrilled about putting in my system at any time, let alone when I am working so hard to grow a human. =)  At any rate it worked, and fortunately with relative quickness.

The whole experience left me feeling a little out of control.  I deal with migraines on a semi-regular basis, but usually am able to take Excedrin Migraine, or my prescription migraine medicine.  I just hope that as my body continues to change and adapt for this tiny person inside of me, I am able to reconnect with what it needs.  If not, well I suppose it is good practice for how out of control I'll probably feel when caring for my brand new infant. =)

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