Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hoppy Easter!

In our house we believe in the Easter Bunny and brightly colored eggs.  This celebration usually involves an Easter egg hunt, girls in pretty dresses, lots of delicious foods made by the many wonderful cooks in the family, and delicious treats too.  Most importantly it revolves around family and friends and being together.  This year was no exception.  We spent the day at my dad's house where the little kids enjoyed running around the very large backyard, and the rest of us enjoyed the sunshine and festivities of the day.

I know I am overdue for a pregnancy update and I fully intended to post one on Friday (I hit 12 weeks!) but am delayed to take a proper bump photo for you, which I should be able to do in the next two days.  So it will have to be 12 and a half weeks! =)  Something to look forward to though- our NT scan is on Thursday!  More ultrasound photos! =)

In the meantime here is my oldest beauty in her Easter dress.


  1. Love those sparkly tights!!! Can't wait for this weeks updates... Love you and hope you all had a wonderful Easter! xo

  2. And Happy Birthday to your Mom, without whom none of you would be here! (Just sayin...!)
