Sunday, January 15, 2012

Seeing the sadness

I keep trying to break out of it, but I just keep seeing the sadness around me.  Sick children, babies leaving this earth too soon, young women facing metastasized cancer, lost jobs, injury, illness- you name it.  Those things have always been here, and will always be here, so why is it that it seems to be all I can see right now?

I guess that isn't entirely fair.  I put Bella to bed tonight, and after she finally gave up the fight and settled down in my arms, I sat, rocking my sweet baby girl, reveling in her quiet.  She had been so full of love for me today, giving me hug after hug and insisting she stay in my arms.  It is a very rare day that she is a mommy's girl so I enjoy it thoroughly.

Bella is my joy.

Life just feels so overwhelming these days, and a little bit hard.  I just don't quite know how to wrap my brain around making it work.  I'm confident I'll get there but I wish it was coming just a little bit easier.  I could really use a break right now.

1 comment:

  1. Karey-When things get hard, try to remember what an inspiration you have been and are to other people, women and moms. Although never having been in your shoes, I do know that when things get down right unbearable, faith plays a huge part in things. You will get there, you have friends and family who will not let you down. Even us in San Jose :)
