Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Busy busy bee!

I haven't forgotten my resolve to continue to write more often.  I have just been so incredibly busy preparing our house for sale.  Packing, cleaning, painting... It is a major undertaking!  And more than a little emotional for me.  On top of all of that I have some really exciting things in the works that I will share more about once they become a bit more real. 

One thing I am doing is supporting my dear friend Bianca's awesome creation Real Mommy Confessions.  She created an original webseries about the confessions that real moms have during every day life.  The first season is done (see it here!) and they are working on season two.  While Bianca was here visiting this past month, I noticed she was struggling to carry the weight of this massive undertaking and I offered to help her with her instagram account.  From there we have begun working on a better social media game plan.  She has already rocked it with Facebook and Twitter, but we can do more!  So follow Real Mommy Confessions on all of those platforms if you are on them!  Our promise is to try and find the comedy in the chaos and offer a laugh or two while still be honest about what it takes to be a mom.

I am also beginning to write more for public consumption.  I have built a new blog called Karey Too that will focus less on the specifics of my life, and more my ideas, views, philosophies, or funny stories.  I haven't written much, really only one thing so far, but check it out! =)  I'll still write here about my kids and my personal life, but it may be less frequent.

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