Monday, March 19, 2012

Very careless!

Well today I really blew my facebook cover on this pregnancy.  So far it seems only four friends saw it, two who knew and two who found out! =)  I posted a comment on the babysteals wall (one of my favorite deal of the day sites for all things mommy and baby) that mentioned expecting baby number two.  I realized that any of my friends who also "like" babysteals would see this.  So when two of my girlfriends texted me today (within 30 seconds of each other no less) I wasn't surprised.  I knew they both liked babysteals and also that they were not caught up on my blog (despite usually being regular readers).  However just moments ago, another friend "liked" a follow up comment I made on my own post.  I quickly realized that facebook had created a secondary newsfeed where every single move you make pops up in the upper right hand corner of your friends pages.  If they happen to be on when you do something, they will see it.  I really hate this feature and had forgotten about it since I ignore it all the time.

So we will see who else figures out that we are expecting in the next few days.  Gratefully I am 9.5 weeks along and getting closer and closer to that "safe" zone.  Once I hit 11 weeks, I will feel comfy.  I still probably won't post my facebook announcement until after my nuchal translucency ultrasound (where they check you for genetic abnormalities) which will put me closer to the end of my first trimester.  I still just don't trust that my treatments last year haven't put this baby at risk for some serious issues.  The doctors seem confident enough but I know what my body went through.

I guess we will see who is "surprised" by my news once I finally facebook it.  At this rate- no one!  C'est la vie, eh?  Definitely not the "reveal" I was expecting for baby number two, but these days I laugh at my own plans!  I'm thinking I will start my regular pregnancy updates soon, though I'm thinking about how to make them a little more interesting than last time.  I felt the questions got redundant, especially since some are relevant to the first trimester, whereas some are for the third.  We shall see.  I also hope to be a bit better about getting pictures of my changing body this time.  But probably won't start that until I hit 12 weeks since at most, I'm a little bloated these days. =)  I'm sure there are other interesting things happening in our lives but I honestly can't think of a thing.  We are still pulling ourselves out of the sick muck and trying to get our feet back under us.  My house is a disaster and a persistent pinched nerve is stopping me from doing much at all.  With mountain play rehearsals rapidly approaching, I keep thinking "I've got to get better so I can do it all!".  Poor Bella is going stir crazy being relatively housebound with her very boring mama.  Well, we will get there.  And I just have to trust that I will have energy to enjoy Bella during the day, and sing and dance and play at night.

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