Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy First Birthday Gio

Dear Giancarlo,

Today, you turned one. You are my miracle baby. You decided you were ready to join this family even when we weren't expecting you. I knew from the moment I found out I was pregnant that you were going to be here, solidly, strongly and very present. You certainly have not proven me wrong.

You came into this world and have made sure we all knew you were here from the very first moment. You gave me a week of being "easy" and promptly shared your voice loud and proud.

Every day you become funnier and funnier. You make this scrunchy face that cracks me up. You've begun finding the words to go with that big voice of yours. You babble up a storm every chance you get now. We are fairly certain you've said Bella, dog, ball, baby, mama and dada. But nothing so clearly and intentionally that I'm quite ready to call one "your first word". You've been crawling for months but weren't interested in walking until recently. Now you are so close I'm sure it will be any day now. You have four teeth. You are amazingly laser focused. When you have a goal you won't let anything deter you. No is simply not in your vocabulary.

This last year has been exceptionally challenging and amazing. I've loved getting to know you and can't wait to see you as you grow from baby to kid in the next year. I see big things for you kiddo. Big things to match your big smile.

I love you. Happy first birthday!


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