Sunday, November 4, 2012

Keeping busy!

First week of Nick being back at work and I've been kept quite busy.  With the support of my mom, the week went quite well.  Nap times are a bit challenging but I managed to get both kids down for a nap- with me- every day but one, and that was due to other factors.  Overall, I consider it a success.  I even had moments of feeling like I can handle two kids on my own- once I'm physically healed that is.  That's the only major holdout for me currently is that I am still quite sore.  I don't have a very good point of reference for how long, and how badly, I should hurt since I was sitting on ice and taking narcotics for a good month after having Bella.  This time since I haven't taken anything but motrin and had significantly less injury I thought I would feel better by now.  Apparently that isn't true.  But I'm able to do things like go to the grocery store and other such errands.  I'm hoping once I hit the month marker I'll be able to start taking walks and getting a little bit of proper exercise.  This next week I'm planning to take both the kids to the Discovery Museum (with a helper- not on my own) as a small test for how I'm feeling.  If I can handle that, I'll know I'm on the upswing!

Anyhow just wanted to write a quick update while I had a minute to do so.  These moments are few and far between and I imagine will only get fewer and farther between for awhile.  So far so good though.  Gio is a relatively easy baby.  He's having some tummy troubles that we are working on, but they didn't keep us up last night, so I figure it isn't that bad.  I am having to watch what I eat and how it affects him since that definitely seems to matter (not something I ever really had to deal with when I was breastfeeding Bella).  Otherwise, he eats well, sleeps well, and is a pretty low key guy.  Hates having his diaper and clothes changed, and didn't love his first bath, but mostly I attribute that to the fact that he seems to hate being cold.

Birth announcements should be going out this coming week- we have the photo I just need to create it and print and mail them!  I'll try to update again soon!

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