Saturday, December 25, 2010

Baby's First... Holidays!

I cannot believe how long it has been since I last posted.  We have enjoyed Thanksgiving, a trip to Las Vegas, and Christmas!  Isabella is 5 months old.  I don't know where the time has gone.  So before I get ahead of myself, let me back track...

November was a little bit of a rough month as I let go of my breastfeeding goals.  We did pretty well keeping up with my supply until the week of Thanksgiving I was hit with a nasty stomach flu.  What they say about illness affecting your milk supply- it's all true!  Anyhow I'll talk more about that later.  So then it was time for Thanksgiving!

This was Bella's first experience at a big holiday party.  She did fairly well, but it was a little overwhelming for her.  She needed to be taken into a quiet room periodically just to settle down.  I can understand how stimulating it can be surrounded by so many people laughing and talking, even if they do all love you.  She was the same way for both the Thanksgiving party on Thursday at her Noni Lorraine's and at the Saturday after at Grandpa Dennis'.  Happy one moment and screaming the next.  But we tried to keep her happy with regular naps and removing her from the party from time to time.

Then it was my birthday!  Nick and I went to dinner at Auberge du Soleil in Napa, which was a fabulous dining experience.  It was also our first real date night.  Bella stayed home with Noni Lorraine.

Next up was our trip to Las Vegas for Nick's company Christmas party!  I was a little nervous about flying between tighter TSA procedures and having a baby on the plane.  Bella did great though.  She needed a little extra entertainment on the flight out there to stay happy, but she did great, and then although she was cranky on the way home, she slept the whole plane ride.  The actual trip was great too.  Bella really enjoyed herself in Vegas!  All the lights and colors and sounds- it was like ADD baby paradise!  We also scheduled a family photo shoot with our fabulous wedding photographer Ron Miller.  He captured some amazing shots of Bella, and really nailed her personality.  I can't wait to look back at these photos with her when she is older.  Some of her expressions are hilarious!  Best of all we got to spend time with our friends the Shelahs and have the babies meet each other.  Dominic and Bella are only 6 weeks apart, so it was pretty fun to see the two of them together. 

What happened next has changed my immediate future entirely.  I quit my job.  Yep- I am officially staying home with Miss Bella.  It is wonderful and daunting all at the same time.  I am so grateful to be home with her for these important moments, but also unsure of what this will look like.  I've worked pretty much my entire life since high school, so to have an identity that isn't somewhat connected to what I "do" is a new experience.  I'm sure I'll adjust!

Immediately after quitting my job and returning from our trip, it was time to start preparing the house for the holidays!  We were hosting Christmas Eve so we had to clean (have I mentioned how hard it is to keep house when you are occupied by a baby all day???), decorate, and do those extra party prep tasks such as getting out the extra tables and chairs.  It quite literally took me all month and a lot of extra hands to accomplish all of the tasks at hand.  But we made it and celebrated Isabella's first Christmas!

Christmas Eve was a success.  Bella has really grown up so much.  She enjoyed the party immensely, frequently being passed around between grandparents and aunties and uncles and cousins.  She would get fussy and go take a nap in her cosleeper and return to the party much happier.  She wore a lovely Christmas party dress showing her holiday spirit, and enjoyed "opening" her first Christmas presents including books, clothes, and new toys!  Such a lucky girl.  Christmas day was spent relaxing at home with just the three of us.  We were all pretty wiped out from the party.  We did get to go to my sister Sarah's house for a quiet dinner with their family and my mom.  A perfect first Christmas for our sweet girl.

So much has happened it is hard to believe that it has been five months already.  I feel like I just brought Bella home from the hospital and at the same time like she has been with us forever.  She grows by leaps and bounds every day.  We are getting ready for some major milestones- starting "solid" foods, moving to her crib in her own room, setting a "schedule" for naps and bedtime.  So much to do in the next few weeks!  We are also starting with some baby sign language and hoping that she will starting signing too.  She is certainly aware of what things are and that she wants to express her opinions.

So there is an update on all things Bella.  I will try really hard to not wait so long till my next post, but can't help it when this baby life is so fun to live! =)  Until next time!

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