Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Strength and prayers

It seems I haven't fully proven my strength in this life and have another storm to weather- hopefully small. I received a call today from my oncologists office. The MRI I did last week shows that the something that isn't anything but not nothing from last year has grown. My doctors office only requested that I complete the mammogram and ultrasound that I was supposed to do anyhow. In thinking about it, however, last year when this started, the ultrasound and mammogram were both clear and the medical recommendation was an MRI guided biopsy. So best case scenario, they are still clear and they still recommend that. I called my doctor back and asked if I should just do the biopsy now. I suspect the answer will be yes.

So my friends, I need your thoughts and prayers that this something that's isn't anything but not nothing, is in fact proven to be nothing. If it is something it would be a brand new cancer, not a recurrence. Im not sure that I have the strength for that. I know my community will carry me through, but this could break me. So pray that it is indeed, nothing.

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