Monday, February 28, 2011

Truly Honored

My sister has honored me greatly in her need to be "useful" in the face of "helplessness".  I don't feel comfortable sending this out via email or even posting it to my facebook wall since it is technically in my honor, but since I do believe this is a great cause, and I want to support my sister's efforts, I thought I would post it here.

I am a lucky girl to have such a wonderful sister.

A message from Sarah Wilhelm Please address all replies to

Dear Friends and Family,

As you many of you know, on February 24th my 29 year old sister Karey was diagnosed with breast cancer. Helplessness is not a feeling I sit in well so I have accepted the challenge and am participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in July in San Francisco. In honor and with love for my beautiful, brave and amazing sister I have set a goal of raising $2000. This is a goal that I would love to meet and surpass. I appreciate any and all donations that will help me reach my goal, support my sister and kick some cancer butt.

Did you know that every three minutes, another woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer? I didn't, and I was shocked to learn how prevalent this horrible disease has become in this country. I am eager to get started with my fundraising and I need your support!

It is faster and easier than ever to support this great cause - you can make a donation online by simply clicking on the link at the bottom of this message. Whatever you can give will help! I truly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress.

Thank you for your support; you really do make a difference.

With love and smiles,

Sarah Wilhelm         Click here to visit my personal page.

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