Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Social Butterfly

Without question, Isabella is quite the social butterfly.  I have always known that she was- always laughing and smiling when we are out and about meeting new people, and constantly "making friends" wherever she goes.  This weekend though put any questions I may have had completely out of my head!

This Sunday was Superbowl and the three of us went to a friends Superbowl party.  There were a number of good friends there that she is familiar with, and so of course gladly hung out with them playing away.  What really showed me what a social butterfly my little miss is was how she acted with all of the strangers there.

Funny how time changes a crowd- whereas this particular Superbowl party was held at a bachelor's "party pad"- the introduction of a baby had all the girls swooning.  I'm fairly certain every lady at the party came up to Isabella at least once during the party, and most of them asked to hold her.  I'm generally pretty relaxed about letting other people hold Isabella, especially when we are in a setting like a party at a friends house.  I certainly wouldn't let a stranger on the street hold my baby, but a friend of a friend at their house?  Sure, why not.

So Isabella was passed around a fair amount throughout the day, and thanks to her intense curiosity of all things new, refused to nap all afternoon.  Despite her clear exhaustion, and fussiness whenever she was with me, every time a new and friendly face appeared, she was her happy magnanimous self.  I can't wait to see how this personality trait develops in this amazing little girl!

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