Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Six Months!

How appropriate- this is my 100th post and it is all about Isabella's first six months...

I am a few days late I realize, but Isabella turned six months old on January 23rd!  I can't believe how fast it has gone.  My baby is growing up so much every single day.  I thought I would give an update about where she is developmentally and what has happened in her first six months.

- She is sitting up almost entirely by herself now.  She can sit up very well and for quite a while, though will topple over eventually and can't get back up on her own.

- She has had two colds.  =(

- Officially in her own crib now, at least for the first half of the night!  (Mommy needs sleep too and too many trips down the hall, or a lengthy attempt to get Bella back to sleep does not bode well for the next day!)  She doesn't seem to mind going to sleep in her own crib at all.  If she was sleeping through the night I suspect we could take down the co-sleeper altogether.

- Isabella has a fabulous wardrobe that just keeps getting better!  A fashionista at 6 months!

- Bella's first plane trip was in December to Las Vegas!  She did great and LOVED the stimulation.  She also met Auntie Katie, Uncle Brian, and Cousins Vinnie and Dominic!  Dominic is only about 6 weeks older than Bella!

- The dogs are her favorite.  She loves saying hi to them and gets quite upset when they walk away from her.

- The car seat is no longer the enemy.  Usually Bella can entertain herself looking out the windows, playing with her toys, or just goes to sleep.  Thank goodness!  Mommy really couldn't take the screaming in the car much longer!

- Bella is still exceptionally social and LOVES to visit new people.  She does have moments of "stranger danger" from time to time though and turns on the waterworks if she is with anyone but mommy or daddy.

- We are taking a Sign and Sing class with the fabulous Susan Z and Bella LOVES the music.  She isn't signing back yet, but we're working on it.  I feel like it is starting to click a little.

- Isabella is very opinionated and lets you know quickly if she isn't happy with something.  I wouldn't call her a fussy baby, just a feisty one!

- Crawling is on the horizon, I can see it!  Whenever we go to music class or mommy group or anything with bigger babies/kids that are crawling or walking, Bella is desperate to get in on the action.  She doesn't mind being on her tummy at that time and she sits there flapping her arms and legs sure it is going to get her somewhere.  If she is standing or sitting, she wants to lunge out with the big kids!

- I am certain that Bella will be a talker.  She babbles so much and seems like she has so much to say!  It isn't her fault if I just can't understand her yet...

- Foods tried so far: Sweet potatoes, oatmeal, banana, avocado, apple sauce, pears, prunes, butternut squash and puffs.  She is only moderately interested in eating her own food so it is still just for the experience once a day.  She still loves to watch other people eat though, so hopefully as she gets bigger and can handle larger foods, she will get more interested.  As they say, no one goes to college still drinking formula! =)

- Bella is much happier going out of the house during the day than staying in all day, no matter how much mommy tries to play with her.  She is just a social little girl and loves the added stimulation!  I see many playgroups and classes in our future to keep mommy sane!

That's all I can think of for now.  Isabella is such a joy to be around.  She is so feisty but such a happy baby.  She loves to laugh and smile and can have a good time doing just about anything.  She is incredibly opinionated, but lets face it- no one is surprised by that.  The apple certainly doesn't fall far from the tree (either of them!).  She is just a little love though.

I can't imagine my life without her anymore, and truly can't wait to watch her grow up and into the wonderful person I am certain she will be.  I am sad probably daily at how quickly time is going already and wonder where my tiny baby went, but it is a real joy seeing this person emerge.  I feel lucky to know her already.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely entry! Oh she is soo beautiful. But you know that! Can you come down here some time next week? I'd love to see you and Bella! XOXO
