How far along? 35 Weeks
How big is baby? Total guess- with 5 weeks left somewhere around 6 lbs, and full length!
Total weight gain/loss: I'm avoiding the scale at the moment since the heat is making me retain fluids, but still less than 5 lbs up.
Maternity clothes? Exclusively. Well that's not entirely true- I found a pair of capri pants on Sunday that are pre-pregnancy pants! They must be really big on me normally...
Sleep: It's been rough this week for sure. My pelvic/hip pain is getting worse. I go to the chiropractor tonight though so maybe next week I'll feel better!
Best moment this week: Last night we had just parked at Costco and I was staring at my belly. She was moving a lot and Nick asked me what was going on. I said "look at my belly and you'll see"... I think it was the first time he had seen the major alien earthquake across my belly!
Movement: Continues to be active, though I'm definitely noticing the quiet days and active days more now as she runs out of room. She is also definitely an afternoon and evening baby. Those are her most active times of day.
Food cravings: none
Food Aversions: just done with food in general.
Gender: All girl!
Labor Signs: Nothing that is a true labor sign, but it is too early for that anyhow. We want at least two more weeks to get to full term and then I can start dilating etc.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to undertake activities without wondering "am I going to end up with contractions because of this?"... I'd really like to be able to do things like go to the farmers market and walk around, but knowing the result it doesn't sound so pleasant!
What I am looking forward to: Getting my body back. It's definitely difficult to be the host of two right now.
Weekly Wisdom: Just take things one day at a time. If things are rough today, they'll likely change tomorrow!
Milestones: no milestones that I can think of. Just plugging along!
Bump Picture: Look!
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