How far along? 33 Weeks
How big is baby? According to our growth scan last week, she was about 5 lbs last week, so I'm guessing she is nearing 5.5 lbs. From here on out though it is all guesses! She is also between 19 and 22 inches... In other words she is at, or close to, full length for when she is born. Now growth is more about becoming the roly poly baby of cuteness!
Total weight gain/loss: Still holding strong at maybe 1-2 lbs above pre-pregnancy weight. Fingers crossed we stay that way while baby continues to grow!
Maternity clothes? Yep! Can't fit into anything much that isn't. Even some of my sweats are uncomfortable (not unwearable, just uncomfortable)...
Sleep: Depends on the day. My schedule seems to be altering late again, making me want to go to bed later, and wake up later. I also could use an afternoon nap every day. Now all I have to do is make it through three more weeks of work and I can actually adjust to that schedule, at least until Isabella is born and I stop sleeping altogether! =)
Best moment this week: Getting the growth ultrasound and discovering that she is in the 64th percentile. Between two families of large babies, and the GD, I was scared for sure! Hopefully she'll stay right in that range and come out around 8 lbs at birth.
Movement: She is a busy busy girl! Her most active time seems to be in the afternoon. Usually sometime between 2pm and 5pm she likes to stretch out and move a bunch. It makes afternoons at work quite interesting since I can't get comfortable with all that movement going on!
Food cravings: none
Food Aversions: definitely starting to be turned off by foods again, but nothing severe like before. Of course because of the GD diet (and eating the same things over and over again) I think I'm just sick of food in general, which doesn't help the situation!
Gender: All girl!
Labor Signs: the Braxton Hicks are becoming more regular. Walking is a sure fire way to bring them on. They aren't what I expect though- no overall tightening of the belly. I am seeing some "irritability" on the non-stress tests though, so we know that my uterus is starting to practice on its own. They also did an internal exam last week and verified that my cervix is still closed and long, so there is no risk of baby coming too early based on that. =)
Belly Button in or out? In (I seriously have the deepest belly button on the planet, so I don't anticipate this will change.)
What I miss: Coping skills for any regular irritations of life. My hormones surged over the last couple of weeks and I feel like I'm back in the first trimester with my moods!
What I am looking forward to: I am genuinely looking forward to holding this little girl in my arms. The fear is dissipating as excitement replaces it a little.
Weekly Wisdom: If you aren't pregnant yet, but would like to have a baby soon- enjoy your time to be as selfish as possible right now. Spend time with your significant other, eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want, and truly enjoy life. This is definitely something not to rush.
Milestones: Starting the non-stress tests every week and getting our growth ultrasound!
Bump Picture: another failed week- sorry! I really do need to take one soon though because I can see myself growing!
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