Monday, June 21, 2010

To the doctor's we go!

I am still in the 'every other week' doctor's appointment phase, so my last appointment was on Friday.  All is well, relatively speaking.  I am definitely entering the final stage though.  Retaining fluids and a little bit of swelling, but hey for 8.5 months pregnant, I think that is pretty darn good!  Only other question mark I left with is that my fundal height (i.e. belly measurement) was large this week- 38 centimeters!  For those that don't know, it should be 1 centimeter for each week you are along, so I should have been 35.5 centimeters.  That's a whole "two and a half week" difference.  It makes me a little nervous that miss Isabella is growing a little faster than we would like, but since it was a rough day and I was warm, I'm hoping I was simply retaining fluid that made me measure larger.

Other than that though, all is well.  One funny story from the appointment at least!  In the process of taking my fundal height, my OB felt a very firm and round body part up near my ribs.  She got a little nervous that perhaps it was the head!  Well since I had my non-stress test just the day before, and Izzy was head down then, I felt fairly confident that it was in fact not her head that we were feeling.  Or at least I hoped that if she did a major flip, I would have noticed!

So as a precaution my OB went and got the in office ultrasound machine to check things out.  It was confirmed, Isabella's head was still down and low, just like she's been, and the firm, round body part that we felt?  Definitely butt. =)  I've felt it a few times before and always felt confident that it was butt because I could feel the continuation of back just below it.

All the same I thought it was pretty entertaining.  As the nurse who does my non-stress tests says, she's already a smart baby!  Probably too smart for her own good, but good for a chuckle from time to time.

Other than that... I confirmed that if all continues the way it has (steady blood sugar readings, measuring on target with good non-stress test results) then induction will be scheduled most likely for my actual due date!  Of course unless she decides to come on her own (which is what we would all prefer).  Fingers crossed that it all goes as well as possible!

So that is all I have to report.  I'll do my weekly update tomorrow as usual and we'll keep on counting down!

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