As expected, all of the tests etc that I had to do due to my little adventure to labor and delivery came back negative for any issues. I still have to check my blood pressure two times a day (which unfortunately isn't looking as good as I'd like due to the heat, but still, acceptable) and my urine for protein once a day. It isn't so bad other than that I also have to call the numbers in every day. I had my first of two NSTs today, which went swimmingly. The baby's heart rate looks good and it only took a little ice water to get her moving (these morning appointments are during her nap time!). I am still showing some "uterine irritability" but since we start my internal exams this week anyhow (this is to check dilation and effacement and baby's "station") I'm not worried. I figure I'm in the home stretch and my uterus should be getting irritable in preparation for delivery.
So I guess the real news is that there is no news. Nothing in truth has changed from last week. I just get to do more self monitoring.
There was one interesting point from this morning's NST. I had the same nurse that I had last week (this is the alternate nurse, not my normal nurse) and she took my NST results to the doctor. It seems like each nurse has a doctor that they sort of report to because the person she went to was the same doctor that she went to last week when my blood pressure was high. This is not a doctor I've had any relationship with other than these two days though. Well this gentleman came in and said "well everything looks great but since your pregnancy has gotten more complicated with the blood pressure monitoring, I think you should be seeing an MD instead of a nurse practitioner. Caren" (my normal OB) "is great, but doctors are trained differently..."
I sort of checked out at this point. Yes, it is true that there are cases where an MD should be consulted. Whenever something has come up, my nurse practitioner consults with an MD. She also knows me and my history since she was my practitioner before becoming pregnant, and has seen me throughout this pregnancy. She knows I am prone to anxiety and that it drastically affects my blood pressure (among other health related things). She also knows that I am not a patient who ignores symptoms or is afraid to call if I have a question or am unsure about something.
I was admittedly a little annoyed by this doctor coming in and saying I needed to start seeing someone new at this late stage in the game. I said I would keep my appointment on Friday with my practitioner and we would talk about "who I should see"... I mean really, we're talking about 3 more appointments here. So we'll see what happens. In the meantime I'm hoping to keep my blood pressure steady this week so that come Friday, we can over-ride the daily phone call aspect of my current plan. I don't mind checking my blood pressure (though would love to drop it to once a day), but would be much happier reporting the numbers once a week along with my blood sugar, unless of course I get a high reading. I have to call any how if it goes over a certain reading. So we shall see.
I'm certainly not wishing for Miss Isabella to make her appearance into the world early, but I tell you, I am definitely done with this whole being pregnant business. Maybe if I could just be, and not worry about what I'm eating and when and what numbers it gets me, and if my blood pressure is too high or if I'm spilling protein, it probably wouldn't be so bad. Yes it is uncomfortable (did I mention my hip is KILLING me???) but I can manage. It really is the medical "business" that is getting me down.
So three more days at work (modified) and then I can just focus on me. I hope to control my appointments a little better so that I can enjoy some lunches with friends, and maybe even a movie matinee or two. I am determined to enjoy some time off so that I am fully ready for this baby to join my world.
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