Well we continue to work hard on our breastfeeding challenge. My supply is up some, but still not where it needs to be (of course Isabella's needs continue to increase at the same time!). Pumping after each nursing session (and of course any time she won't eat off of me or can't eat off of me) is a huge challenge. I've had moderate success, but certainly not what I would call 100 percent. So how did we get here? Let's see, where do I begin...
As I mentioned my first session with the lactation consultant revealed to me that my supply was low and I needed to do a massive amount of work to get it up and still supplement Isabella to appropriately nourish her. So then Isabella began getting bottles several times each day. Well anyone can tell you that a baby who gets several bottles each day, particularly after breastfeeding from a mommy who isn't filling you up, will quickly discover that a bottle is the way to go. My beautiful little girl is excellent at letting me know what she wants and let me tell you, if it wasn't a bottle, it wasn't happening. She quickly began refusing to breastfeed- even with a nipple shield- altogether! So we went back to the lactation consultant and ended up in tears because she was refusing so vehemently. But with a supplemental nursing system in hand I was determined to get her back on track. And I succeeded! We were able to get her back nursing with the supplemental system to satiate her hunger quickly. But the struggles continued. At my next lactation appointment, she yet again refused to eat off me (though it was circumstantial this time, not due to the bottle issue) and the consultant noticed that perhaps her breathing was the issue. She clearly struggles to breathe at times and it certainly could be a factor in her poor breastfeeding.
So we went to the pediatrician who diagnosed her with essentially extra soft cartilage in her trachea. She will outgrow it but it will be a bummer until then. Not very helpful, but good to know.
Now we just continue to battle. We did see a cranial-sacral therapist who did an "adjustment" on Isabella, and turned her into a zen baby for the afternoon. So I may try that again. It also helped her latch (without the shield!) three times that week (twice the same day as the adjustment and once another day later in the week).
It is the hardest thing I've ever done. But I know this is best for my baby and trust that we will get there. I will try to update again soon (and not when I am desperately tired and ready for bed!). I know that my experience could help someone avoid similar drama. I keep telling my girlfriends of childbearing age and stage that they will benefit greatly from me having gone through this first. I'll share those graphic details and am not afraid to look "bad" in the process. This pregnancy and baby stuff is tough business! Now I understand the tribal call! =)
Here's a newer picture of our beautiful girl. She just keeps getting bigger every day!
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