Its been forever I know. I think all the time about what blog posts I'm going to write. I pretty much have a constant few going on in my head. How I might phrase some thought, or share some silly story. But then life happens. I don't get on the computer and frankly hate writing blogs from my phone (which is how the last few have come to you). Simply stated- having two kids is flipping hard. Maybe just for me. Or people like me. I keep thinking about how many people in this world have two, three, four, or more children. I just don't know how they do it. I see my world spinning around me so insanely right now. I just don't know how to keep it together. Not even sort of.
As I type this, I hear Gio fussing. He should be sleeping. So what I had hoped would at least be a "quick and dirty" update, is now a truly quick and dirty post to say that I'm alive. And think that I might be coming out of the muck if just a little. I hope to be back soon. I feel like once I get there the flood gates will burst open and you'll be reading everything from Christmas, to my second cancerversary (Feb 23), to motherhood, to marriage... So much to say and no time to say it!
Off to snuggle my sweet little boy in hopes that he goes the eff to sleep. =)
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