This weekend thanks to much sweat equity from Nick and my mom, and babysitting from Nick's mom, we cleared out the nursery (woohoo!). I had a clear need since we have to paint, since my blinds are here and ready for installation. That certainly kicked me into high gear. After considering seven paint samples, and seriously considering adding an eighth, I have chosen a paint color. I have received some excellent, expert advice from a friend of Nick's mom who is a professional, high end, painter, and am going to go buy the necessary paints tomorrow. We also ordered the crib (a gift from Nick's mom). Wow- serious progress on little boy's room.
Then after I had a meltdown on Sunday (despite so much amazing progress on Saturday), Nick kicked in to gear and completed two of my projects- organizing and cleaning our linen closet, and organizing and sorting through Bella's mountain of toys. Fantastic!
Today, I decided that I could cross another item off my list and clean Bella's closet. I didn't actually think it was such a huge deal, mostly chaos on top of order. Turned into a three-ish hour project. Thank goodness my mom was home and happy to entertain Bella while I finished it. She found me in a pile on the floor and said if I got Bella dressed they would go for a walk. I gratefully accepted and two hours later re-emerged. I must say though, Bella's closet looks amazing now. I still need to go through her dresser drawers, but that actually isn't a big deal.
I'm feeling so good about the progress. Although there are still projects to finish, that might have been a good third of my list. At least it was some of the bigger projects (I think). Mostly it is the aftermath of finding homes for all of the stuff being removed from what was the office and now is the nursery. Some of my projects are in a holding pattern until I get the nursery painted and the furniture in place since I haven't completely decided on the final furniture returning to the nursery.
Anyhow I thought I would share since I've mostly been in a bit of a funk and struggling to just manage the day to day, let alone the big projects in front of me. It always feels good to make positive strides and have an energy shift! Lets hope I still feel this way in the morning! I'm pretty sure I will.
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