Friday, August 10, 2012

Getting crazier?

Today I hit a new level of crazy.  I have put six paint samples on the wall of little boy's nursery.  I *think* I have decided on one, but have spent much of the day considering adding a seventh sample.  When we put together Bella's nursery I knew exactly what I wanted in a paint color.  People thought I was crazy explaining it, but I had it in my head precisely.  Since I have wavered on the color itself for this room, picking a shade has been amazingly challenging.  (By the way, gray paint is tough to choose even when you do know what you want.  Who knew that the wrong shade could be green, blue, purple, or brown???)  I am also struggling picking an actual crib.  I'm down to two (not terrible) but one looks better as a crib and seems better made, while the other looks better as a bed (which he will have for a much longer time clearly).  Gratefully we aren't in as terrible a rush to choose the crib as we are to choose the paint, but I can't get the nursery done until the crib is chosen either...

Anyhow, I feel like a crazy person.  I'm not usually this level of indecisive plus I am having actual anxiety (nearly panic attack level) in desperate need to have it done.  Is this nesting?  If so- thank goodness I didn't go through it with Bella's room!  My goal this weekend is to have the nursery cleared out and ready for paint, the paint purchased, and maybe even the crib selected (maybe ordered?).  I will also have the installation scheduled for the new blinds I have ordered for both nurseries and our bedroom.  Hopefully that will be enough to tame the crazy beast in my head.  Then I will have the week to paint (looking like a painting party on Friday night!) and the projects left maybe will feel less pressing.  Sadly though, the list is quite long.  Things like clearing out Bella's closet, and organizing the linen and hall closets.  So much to do, so little time.  Definitely fantasizing about the organizing fairies coming into my house and magically fixing everything exactly the way I imagine it. =)

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