I debated whether or not I wanted to write this, but I figure that I want the record of events eventually when this journey is done.
I've been having semi-regular contractions since yesterday afternoon. It started Monday morning during my NST. I had a couple of good contractions on the monitor with some irritability in between. Not uncommon, but a little more than I've had in the past. Then I went out and felt a couple more here and there. Nothing that even inspired me to to think twice about them though. I went to Old Navy and Costco with Sarah and Mia, and had a few more, encouraged by the walking. Once I returned home my belly continued to work, but I thought nothing of it. Sometimes it takes awhile after I've been walking for the contractions to settle down. Most importantly, they aren't painful or regular, so I just assume that they are braxton hicks, or practice contractions.
Well as the evening went on, and they didn't stop, I thought perhaps I just over did it. I took a little nap, thinking that laying down on my side and some rest would surely right me. When I woke up and realized that the contractions had in fact not stopped, but had continued while I was sleeping (it was a fairly light sleep), I had a moment of sheer panic hit me.
I sat up and drank some water. No change, so I watched the clock. Within 20 minutes I had about 4 or 5 contractions, some longer, some shorter, but consistently 4-5 minutes apart. I had a moment of cognizance that this could be "it" and my house was a mess. I got up and started cleaning. We had clothes to put away and fold, and dishes to wash. I started moving through the house like a crazy person because if the contractions increased, or my water broke, I did not want to come back to my messy house with a new baby.
Poor Nick had come home not feeling well due to a nasty allergy attack, so had been sleeping as well. He woke up to find me in the middle of my fit. I explained what was happening and that although I didn't think I was in "labor" that I needed to get things organized just in case. Nick, being the amazing person he is, started helping. I suppose I got his adrenaline going too. =)
We finally went to bed, having accomplished the main things I wanted done and tried to sleep. It took me awhile to settle down, but eventually I did fall asleep. I fully expected to wake up feeling silly and back to "normal". Well, that is not exactly what happened. Here I am, more than 24 hours later, still having mild contractions. This morning I described how I felt to my mom as having done a full abdominal workout yesterday. My muscles in my stomach and back are just fatigued. Clearly the contractions continued throughout the night.
So here I sit, apparently in early labor, with mild contractions coming and going. They aren't painful, or even easily timeable. I also have no idea if they are "doing" anything, or just torturing me a little. =) They do excite baby girl though, so she's been quite active these last 24 hours. It's a good sign though, since early labor can go on for days or even weeks, at least I know that she isn't distressed by the contractions.
Now I sit and wait. I keep hoping my body will just go one way or the other. I'm not anxious for this baby to be an outside baby yet- especially since we have two more weeks till our due date, but if she does decide she wants her birthday early, I am ready. I do however want my body to make up its mind. I am just uncomfortable enough that I either want progression (an end in sight) or for things to settle down. I guess if nothing else changes, I'll have a little more information on Thursday!
So don't get too excited. A few contractions don't make labor immediate! It is at least good to know that my body clearly has some idea of what it is supposed to be doing. Perhaps the next post I write will be "false alarm" or "she's here!". You just never know!
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