Friday, July 9, 2010


It's been a week of productivity.  Two trips to labor and delivery and increasingly frequent contractions finally lit a fire under me.  I made a list of things to accomplish with the determination to accomplish at least one thing every day.  Of course on the first night Nick's nesting instinct kicked in (or maybe his desire to not have a crazy pregnant wife!) and he accomplished everything with his name by it.  He then proceeded to accomplish everything else that he could do (items that were not assigned) the next night! =)  He's such a good husband/ daddy to be!

Anyhow I stuck to my "at least one item per day" program and here it is on Friday and I've accomplished all of the important things.  Our hospital bag is packed (I know- you'd think two trips to the hospital would have forced me to do that much sooner!), the car seat is installed, I've purchased all of the items I think we'll need for the baby in the first couple of weeks, and the house is essentially ready for our pending arrival.

Now I'm finally down to those "non-essentials" like getting a pedicure, seeing a couple of movies, and continuing to get as much rest as humanly possible! =)  I did accomplish one of those "non-essentials" today- I finally went for my final pre-natal massage.  Sadly I think I waited too long and did not get to enjoy it quite the way I'd imagined.  They have this amazing pillow where you can lay on your stomach.  I've been dreaming about it since my first massage back in my second trimester.  Today however almost as soon as I was laying down I started hot flashing and just couldn't stop.  My therapist got me a cool towel- not enough.  So he got me a glass of ice water.  I drank the whole thing.  He got me another glass of water and put another cool towel on my back.  It helped for a minute, but not enough.  Finally I flipped to my back, which lasted a good 10 minutes before my back couldn't take it anymore.  I finally tried my side and realized that is where I should have been the entire time.  It was disappointing because by then my massage was nearly done, and I hadn't been able to relax much at all.

Lesson learned.  Pregnant women are meant to be on their sides for a reason.  Don't fight it and you'll feel better.  =)  I just wish I had figured that out earlier in my massage so that I could have really enjoyed it!  But it was still good and helpful for my muscles.  I guess it also will be a good reminder when I'm in the hospital that if I am getting over heated, I should lay on my side to help cool down and relax.  I'll have to make sure Nick remembers that!

Overall it has been a good week.  Lessons in balance to make sure I am resting enough, getting my "fun" in, and accomplishing those last minute household and baby related tasks.  I'm getting the hang of it though and am sure I will have it nailed just in time for Isabella to join us as an outside baby.  I'm almost ready. =)

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