Later today I will be getting the Nuchal Translucency (NT) ultrasound done. This ultrasound is to determine the risk of such chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome. What they do is look at a fold of skin on the back of the fetus' neck and that data combined with bloodwork from the mother, a risk percentage is calculated. If it is determined that there is a high chance that the baby has one of these abnormalities you can then undergo another (more invasive) procedure to determine if in fact the baby actually has one of these issues.
I go into this ultrasound expecting that everything is just fine. I am young so not at a higher risk for any issues, and there is no family history of anyone with these issues. But, it is true that you simply never know.
Mostly I am excited that I get to see baby today, and there is a very small chance that we could get a gender guess today.
Unless there is a definitive gender guess I will not be sharing what the tech says today. We have our big ultrasound in only a month (February 22!) so we don't have long to wait.
In the meantime, anyone want to venture a guess at the sex? I'm not showing yet, so you can base it on how I'm carrying. I've experienced mild to moderate morning sickness- just nausea for the most part. Not sure what other old wives tales I can help you along with, so if you think of anything you want to know, go ahead and ask.
You can leave your guess in the comments section. =)
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