I don't have any good full baby or face shots to share from today's ultrasound, but when I get home tonight I'll scan in the super cute picture they took of the baby's hand. Boy our kid was not being cooperative today. Tossing and turning and moving up a storm. Good to know though because that means baby is healthy and active (and reassuring to its mommy who can't feel the baby yet). Finally after about 40 minutes of the two ultrasound techs and the doctor working on getting a good picture of the NT, they decided that they had good enough pictures to get our results. Based on the ultrasound the baby has a 1/100,000 chance of having Down Syndrome and 1/250,000 of having Trisomy 18. Basically as low a percentage as you can get.
So the really good news is that means that I do not have to consider any more invasive procedures such as an amniocentesis. If we had received results indicating a higher risk of one of the abnormalities, I would have wanted confirmation, since a false positive isn't uncommon with these scans.
The sort of sad news is that since the baby wasn't being terribly cooperative there was no time to look just for fun, and that means there wasn't even a guess at the gender. And so, we wait. =) I really want to know so that baby can have a name and begin to have an identity. But it can wait until February. Let's just hope the little bugger will be a little more cooperative that day! =)
So I invite the guessing to continue. Boy? Girl? What's it going to be???
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