I'm increasingly realizing that 2014 is going to be a year of major transformation for me - whether I like it or not! :) As I ponder what I want out of the coming months, I struggle with what I have control over (me, or really, my attitude about things) and what I don't (everything else). I'm looking to transform my body (diet, exercise and surgery), my mind, spirit, and heart. I have no idea what it will look like, but I am more certain than I have ever been that in one years time I will look back from an entirely new place in life. I feel like a phoenix, having just burst into flames, ending life as I know it. I'm almost all ashes but from those ashes feel the stirring that will be my rebirth. I have no need to make any new years resolutions this year because I have no choice but to make changes. As I pace myself through the next few days, and our big Christmas celebration, I try to enjoy life as I've known it, for soon, I will be on the other side, walking a new and unfamiliar path. The frightening thing from this point is that I don't even know what that path entails. There isn't some big choice I'm about to make, just many little ones. I just know this is a turning point for the ship of my life. Only a few degrees and I have an entirely new destination.
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