Thursday, May 23, 2013

Crazy. Town.

That is my current home- Crazytown.  I'm not entirely sure why.  I keep hoping/ thinking that things are going to get easier.  In some ways- they do!  Gio is a very cool little boy.  So sweet and snuggly.  His reflux is basically gone from what I can tell, all of the meds have been ceased (though I will still use Zantac as needed as this is new).  But, he is also now teething, and eating, and hitting developmental milestone after milestone.  So he is very demanding.  He wants no one but me if he is tired or unhappy for some reason.  When it comes to bedtime, I'm it.  Meanwhile, Bella is her amazing self.  Such a sweet, kind, funny, smart person.  I really like her.  She is also asserting her independence a ton, which means tough moments for us, and also I think struggling with how much Gio still requires.  We are officially in the phase where the two of them are "fighting" for attention.  I'm constantly triaging their needs which often results in Gio screaming at me while Bella gets into trouble.  So I'm looking for other ways to deal.  Nick and I have determined that Bella needs one-on-one special time regularly now.  So hopefully this weekend we can schedule a Mommy and Bella date.

On top of all of this craziness with our day to day lives, I have several major project balls in the air.  We are looking to possibly refinance our house.  The market has gone crazy in the last 6-12 months and we think our value may be high enough that with a refinance we could drop our mortgage insurance.  This would be an awesome improvement for us.  We are also looking into getting solar panels to help us "get off the grid" (at least mostly).  Our electric bills have gone crazy in the last couple of years so for both financial and environmental reasons it is time to do something other than pay PG&E.  Additionally, we are going to sell the Corvette.  I know, I know.  It hasn't been that long and it is sad to see it go.  The truth is that we just simply don't have the time to put into the vehicle.  Classic cars always need tinkering, and really it should be properly garaged.  We don't have any of that to give.  So we will sell the Corvette and replace it with something modern, probably still convertible, but with a back seat that we can put car seats in as needed.  On top of all of that, I am checking out preschools for Bella to start in the fall.  Yes, Bella is going to preschool in the fall!  Very exciting.  However, choosing the "right" school is tricky business.  It's hard to know what is right for your kid and what will prepare them the best for the future- or even what that preparation looks like!

Anyhow, as you can see, I am crazy busy.  Hoping to find my own oxygen mask soon too.  I need something though I don't have any idea what that will be.  It's time though since I am melting down by Wednesday or Thursday each week.

I'll try to post soon about our trip that we took.  So many sweet moments with friends, family and of course- Disney!

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