First week of Nick being back at work and I've been kept quite busy. With the support of my mom, the week went quite well. Nap times are a bit challenging but I managed to get both kids down for a nap- with me- every day but one, and that was due to other factors. Overall, I consider it a success. I even had moments of feeling like I can handle two kids on my own- once I'm physically healed that is. That's the only major holdout for me currently is that I am still quite sore. I don't have a very good point of reference for how long, and how badly, I should hurt since I was sitting on ice and taking narcotics for a good month after having Bella. This time since I haven't taken anything but motrin and had significantly less injury I thought I would feel better by now. Apparently that isn't true. But I'm able to do things like go to the grocery store and other such errands. I'm hoping once I hit the month marker I'll be able to start taking walks and getting a little bit of proper exercise. This next week I'm planning to take both the kids to the Discovery Museum (with a helper- not on my own) as a small test for how I'm feeling. If I can handle that, I'll know I'm on the upswing!
Anyhow just wanted to write a quick update while I had a minute to do so. These moments are few and far between and I imagine will only get fewer and farther between for awhile. So far so good though. Gio is a relatively easy baby. He's having some tummy troubles that we are working on, but they didn't keep us up last night, so I figure it isn't that bad. I am having to watch what I eat and how it affects him since that definitely seems to matter (not something I ever really had to deal with when I was breastfeeding Bella). Otherwise, he eats well, sleeps well, and is a pretty low key guy. Hates having his diaper and clothes changed, and didn't love his first bath, but mostly I attribute that to the fact that he seems to hate being cold.
Birth announcements should be going out this coming week- we have the photo I just need to create it and print and mail them! I'll try to update again soon!
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