I woke up this morning feeling rather frustrated as I get closer and closer to having to schedule my induction. So to take charge I decided to call my doctors office and head down to have my membranes stripped between my weekly appointments. I thought if it didn't get things going on its own, that coupled with doing it again on Friday, surely I'd been in labor by the end of the weekend.
I got to my doctors office, checked in and settled in to wait for my appointment. As I sat there I started to smell gas. Natural gas, the type you'd smell from your gas stovetop if it didn't light properly. I stood up to ask the ladies at the front if they smelled it too and heard them talking about it. All of us smelled it and it had come on quite suddenly. We all started to go outside (maybe it would be better?) while the office manager called the fire department. She came out and indicated we all needed to evacuate fully. And so, I was not seen. No taking charge, no forging ahead. Just more sitting and waiting.
I am still scheduled for Friday but will also be scheduling my induction date on Friday. I was really really hoping to avoid even scheduling induction, let alone having one. I'm not sure at what point during the week we will schedule the induction, and clearly we still have some time but I'm feeling the pressure and a bit disappointed that I'm even at this point. Today was just one more blow.
So send me baby having juju! If he was born any time tomorrow his birthday would be 10-11-12. How cute would that be?!?! Come on baby boy- it is time!!!
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