Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A little tease

Today we found out the sex of the baby. Nick didn't want to wait another month to find out at the anatomy scan so we booked a gender determination scan through a 3d ultrasound business. I thought it would be a fun way to spend nicks birthday. We went, we saw, we know!

But I'm not telling! Not yet anyhow. We wanted to reveal the sex in a festive way since the pregnancy took us by such surprise that we didn't reveal that in a fun way.

Don't worry- I'm not torturing you forever. I plan to reveal sometime next week after we have a small "reveal" party this weekend.

Until then- accepting bets! Are we team pink again? Or team blue?


  1. I am quiet follower :) I never really comment but I have been reading for over a year! Just wanted to say congrats! & glad you were able to find out the sex early on his birthday! Take care!

    1. Thank you! Always nice to hear from those reading (especially who I don't know about!)
