I keep promising a regular pregnancy update and have yet to deliver. I decided tonight I would just start it. It is midweek and a sort of silly time to start, but no time like the present, right? I may adjust the questions as we go along since I think some of these get old and redundant and I don't like some of them. =) If you are a regular reader and find this interesting enough to comment, I would love suggestions. What do you think would be interesting to update regularly?
How far along? 10.5 Weeks
How big is baby? 2 inches, 3 oz, the size of a lime! (well, at 10 weeks anyhow)
Total weight gain/loss: I have no idea. Last doctors appointment I had lost several pounds but that was also right after the stomach flu. I will probably delete this question since weight gain is nothing a plus sized girl wants to talk about anyhow. Not sure if there is a more interesting way to re frame the question...
Maternity clothes? Not really. I was wearing them during the initial bloat, but that has gone down. So far I can still fit in my pants, though we will see how long that lasts!
Sleep: Not much of an issue so far (gratefully).
Best moment this week: hmmm... Ah! We bought new dressers for our bedroom so that I can relinquish room in the office (where my dresser and second closet currently reside) and the baby will get one of our old dressers. I'm actually seeing how it is reasonably possible that we could put a second nursery in the current office without giving up everything. Once we receive our furniture we can really start to consider this possibility.
Movement: Nothing from the outside, but the occasional tap on the inside. Fascinating since it is so early, but once you've had your cervix kicked/hit it is a sensation that cannot be confused with anything else. This kid is active!
Food cravings: none
though I've consistently enjoyed fish this pregnancy. Fascinating since the smell destroyed me during my first pregnancy!
Food Aversions: none to speak of. Occasionally a smell will set me off but no foods that I just can't eat!
Gender: No idea! I started out with a strong girl vibe. I've had dreams and thoughts for a long time that we were going to end up with two daughters. Lately though, especially since this pregnancy is night and day different compared to my last one, I can't shake the boy vibe. We've had votes on both sides from friends and family, though there is a clear boy leaning. We will find out in mid to late May at our anatomy scan for sure, though who knows, we may get a heads up at the NT scan in April.
Labor Signs: none
Pregnancy Symptoms: Mild nausea on occasion, particularly when I don't eat quickly enough. Exhaustion particularly mid-day (thank god for afternoon naps!). Flutters that I know will quickly become full blown hits and kicks and rolls!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Nothing really since I am pretty much ignoring all the "rules" this time around. I did really like the sound of a beer recently though... Oh I know, I miss taking over the counter medications to ease my aches, pains, etc (cold and flu symptoms, motrin for body aches, whatever)...
What I am looking forward to: experiencing this pregnancy in a different mindset and seeing Bella become a big sister
Upcoming appointments/events: April 12th is my next prenatal appointment as well as our NT ultrasound!
Weekly Wisdom: Second babies are really different! =)
Milestones: Nearly in the safe zone!
Bump Picture: I haven't started taking these yet. So in its place, here is our ultrasound picture from 8.5 weeks!
Yay!!! Pregnancy survey for baby #2 begins! I love reading these!!!