Monday, December 5, 2011

Thanksgiving, parts one and two

Although I did post my gratitudes on Thanksgiving day, I never told you about our actual holidays!  Yes, I did mean that plurally.  We celebrate on Thanksgiving Thursday, and then have our second Thanksgiving on the Saturday after.

On the holiday proper, we went to Nick's mom's house for dinner.  For our family, it was relatively small and happily low key.  There were 12 of us I believe.  Lorraine cooked everything for the meal and it was all delicious.  All I did was bring some cheese and artichoke dip for appetizers.  Easy breezy. =)  We all had a wonderful time relaxing with each other and enjoying our delicious meal.  Bella really enjoyed herself too!

Friday was spent relaxing and preparing for Saturday since we were planning to drive to Disneyland after dinner.

Saturday rolled around and I felt like we had plenty of time.  We still had to pack our bags, load the car, and make mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts for dinner, all before 4pm.  In retrospect I probably should have done the packing on Friday.  By the time dinner rolled around I was ready for a nap!  But we made it and finally arrived at my dad's house for our annual "Saturday after" Thanksgiving round 2.  This is more of a pot luck event.  My dad and Vicki make the turkey and stuffing (and some other odds and ends depending on the year) and everyone else brings something to share.  I'm always on duty for the mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts, which I could pretty much make in my sleep these days.  It is a wonderful event.  Little miss Bella enjoyed herself immensely.  After dinner and dessert Nick, Bella and I hit the road and drove to Anaheim where we were meeting my sister Sarah and her family for Mia's first visit to Disneyland!  More on that to come...

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