Monday, June 13, 2011

One More to Go!

I will be done with chemotherapy in two weeks.  I am SO glad!  Today went well.  My doctor continues to be happy with my response.  I feel like the tissue is continuing to soften up, which on the downside means there is still cancer in there (or has been), but on the upside means it is still going away!  I slept through most of the treatment (thank you benadryl!) and then my friend Jasmine brought me lunch and hung out with me until it was time to go home (Thank you!!!!!).  I then slept for most of the afternoon and will be going to bed shortly.  I tell you, a major dose of benadryl can really knock a girl out!  Other than that I have a slightly itchy face (there is a reason they give you benadryl after all).  The bone pain is really the major symptom from this chemo and I don't expect that until Wednesday.  So I'm hoping (planning) on tomorrow being a pretty good day.

I'm really amazed (and grateful) at how well my body is handling this poison I continue to blast it with.  Today my doctor said she doesn't even know if I need the neupogen (shot to boost my white blood cell production) because my numbers looked so good.  I'll still do them because in her words I "might be bummed if my numbers were too low for my next treatment".  I responded with "super bummed".  So we will stick to what is working, but she already cut my shots down from three to two and my numbers still look outstanding.  My side effects are minimal in the big picture and my response has been fantastic.  I get frustrated with my body often, but this is a reminder of how strong it really is.  It is taking care of me (and itself) through a major assault.  For that, I am grateful.

In other news, I just watched the Tony awards.  I am now officially desperate to get back on the stage.  I haven't done a proper production in 4 years!  I've gratefully had a benefit to participate each fall, but I didn't do that much in the last one and it is only one performance.  So local theatre friends- if you know something coming up in the not too distant future (after I'm done with treatment in November really), particularly something I would be good for- let me know!  The boards are calling my name!  I need to sing and dance and play!

The family is good.  Bella amazes me each and every day.  Even more awesome, we will have a new fence up tomorrow!  Dad, Uncle Gary, Alex and Nick have worked their tails off to tear out our back "fence" (i.e. a ten foot wall of ivy) and put in a new retaining wall and redwood fence.  It is going to be SO nice.  Everyone who will be joining us for Bella's birthday in July will get to see our brand new yard and fence!

Thank you all for the good thoughts.  I know they were coming my way today.  They are still deeply appreciated.

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