This cycle has gone much better so far! I didn't get nauseous at all yesterday. I was proactive with food and water and my "as needed" anti-nausea meds and I think it all came together to really help. I still slept a bit during the afternoon but was actually up for eating some real food at dinner time. I can feel that my stomach isn't quite normal still- the blood sugar spikes and drops are still kicking my butt, but I drove myself (with my sister and Bella) to my appointment for my shot today with no issue. I also ate real dinner tonight! The food aversions are better too, though not missing.
So things are looking up. Between a rapidly shrinking tumor and a milder response to the treatment, I can really kick this things butt! Now the biggest issue for me to face is the very real fact that my hair is falling out. It isn't traumatic so much yet since it is just falling out like it is majorly shedding (which any natural blond out there knows is a super super normal experience). The only difference is that on a "normal" shedding day, I can brush my hair, pull out a few handfuls and it stops. Now, it just keeps going. So I'm trying to not touch my hair too much, wearing it back in braids and ponytails and just trying to brush it once or twice a day. Tomorrow I go to the wig shop (gratefully with hair still on my head to use as a reference) and order my wig. Hopefully I won't be totally bald before I get my wig! I'm also having my friend Vanessa cut my hair short because although the hair loss isn't traumatizing, it is exceptionally annoying. Having long strands of blond hair all over me is getting really old fast. Not to mention the inability to brush my hair without ending up with a pile of hair all over.
So some really big important wins, and a lesser loss. I think I'll take it!
Some shout outs- my sister KC for spending 2.5 days with us over treatment! Thank you Sister! I love you! It was great to see you and I am so grateful you were here for the yucky time. To Nick for a lovely date night on Saturday (Ozumos! Yummy!!!). To Lorraine for babysitting on Saturday night so that we could go on date night, and also did some cleaning- this was AFTER having our carpets cleaned that morning. To my mom for her ongoing support through her own illness and pain- I am so grateful you are here with me through this process. To Sarah and Mia for a happy visit this morning (and bringing me chicken!). To my dad for being willing to manage our upcoming fence project. And to Toni for taking our crazy dogs to the dog park today! Boy I am one lucky lady to have such an amazing support system! I've probably forgotten people too. If so I am terribly sorry and will hopefully remember in my next post! Everything I've received from phone calls, to hats, to cleaning to cards- I have been so incredibly grateful for! I love you all very much!
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