Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yay Bella!!!

I have to post some non-cancer related news as well. =)  And this deserves a post of its own darnit!

Bella has learned to clap.  She will "clap" (soundlessly still) and she looks so proud of herself when she does it.  So we have started clapping with her when we see her clapping and saying "yay Bella!!!".  This of course brings on more clapping and more adorable pride.  This little girl is just such an angel baby.  She is certainly my angel baby.

I have to say she is also getting really good at picking things up and doing with them as she pleases.  Today she spent the day at my dad's house while we were running around to doctors appointments.  When we arrived to pick her up we sat her on the floor for a minute while we filled in my dad on the days news.  She sat and played with her toys (a small pot, a wooden spoon, a wooden reamer and her binky).  As I was sitting on the floor playing with her, I realized she had picked up her binky several times, put it in her mouth (correctly), taken it back out, played with it, discarded it, and found it again.  This is a new skill for sure.  She's been trying to put the binky in her mouth for months, but usually ended up with the wrong part in her mouth. 

Another new "trick" is her ability to find her butterflies in any room.  Isabella has long loved her butterflies (they were on a mobile above her changing table until she got too big for it).  I placed several on the ceiling in her room above the rocking chair and now Nick has taken several and placed them around the house in various locations.  We can ask her "Bella, where are the butterflies?" and she will look around and find them.  She knows where they are in some rooms (like her bedroom).  It is very sweet.  I can see her growing and getting smarter and smarter every single day.

How lucky I am to have such a joy in my life.  Here are some pictures from the last couple of days of my sweet angel baby.

1 comment:

  1. (clapping) Yay for Bella! She is just soooooo darn cute.
