It's been a big week- or really couple of days. Friday I had my regular pre-natal checkup. I am ramping up, this appointment being only 3 weeks after the last one. My next appointment is in only 2 weeks, which will be the norm until I get to 36 weeks and ramp up again to every week! Guess I'd better get used to visiting Kaiser!
Anyhow the appointment went well. I remembered how much I really like my OB/GYN since the last appointment was with a different doctor. I really had a chance to talk with my normal practitioner about concerns. Nothing major but with the GD diagnosis, I am a little more aware of each little symptom as I experience it. I've just been SO tired the last couple of weeks (which seemed a little early to me), and it reflects in my blood sugar numbers. Other than that, baby girl's heart rate was 150- going strong, and my fundal height is still measuring about on target.
Only other news from the appointment is that I have my growth ultrasound scheduled for 32 weeks (I thought it was 36 weeks), so that is coming up in just a couple of weeks! I also start my non-stress tests that week, which involves strapping me up to the fetal monitor for about 30 minutes, to monitor the heart rate. They are looking for acceleration and deceleration (expected ups and downs) as well as how the baby responds when it moves, and if I am having any contractions, how it responds to that. In addition to this, they will also use ultrasound to verify amniotic fluid levels. So in two short weeks we will have all sorts of information about how Isabella is fairing these days (other than kicking her mommy around on the inside!).
The other excitement this week was my second shower, the family shower. We had the shower today at a local restaurant/inn. It was hosted by Nick's grandmother (the great Noni to be), and two of his aunts. It was a very lovely event. We were set up outside on the patio near the pool. The decorations were lovely- bright colors, fresh flowers. The food was delicious (I had a yummy salmon, mmm).
Most importantly though, I was surrounded by several generations of wonderful women from both sides of our families. It has struck me most how this baby girl that I am growing, is truly a member of this group of women. She is the next generation in two families with many strong women. There were nearly 40 of us present today, and so much love and joy within that. If you ever wonder about marriage and how it ties two families together, well add a child to the mix and you won't wonder again! Nick's family is forever more my family because my child is a direct line now too. My family is truly always now connected to Nick for the same reason. Not that there was any doubt before, but the bond just seems so much stronger now, it is hard to explain.
Enough of the cheesy sentimental stuff now. =) I spent close to half of the shower opening gifts for this little girl. Not even here yet and already spoiled! The outfits are unbelievable- so many unique and adorable ones. As I sign off I'll show you just how lucky she is!
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