Wow, this baby has certainly grown recently! I walked past our big sliding glass doors and windows in the dining room the other day and immediately said to Nick "do you see how big I am!?!". Boy oh boy have we gotten bigger.
The craziest part is feeling her movement though. I went from feeling taps and kicks and jabs, to pushes and shoves. Last night Nick felt her for the first time in awhile and nearly every movement elicited the response of "woah!" because he didn't realize how strong she has gotten. The funny thing is that the movement he was feeling, wasn't even very strong from my perspective! As we were laying in bed though I had a "woah" moment and said "Nick can you feel this?" because I felt an actual body part poking me in the side and holding strong. There was no kick or simple bump, this was a full on "mom I'm stretching out so you'd better make room for me!" moment. Nick could feel it too.
After lunch today she started moving around (as she is prone to do) and it is actually starting to get sort of uncomfortable. It feels like rolls and tumbles more than "kicks"- and this is a sensation I associate more with having an upset stomach than anything else. I'm sure I will get used to it, just as you get used to the other oddities of pregnancy! I do look forward to my appointments next week when I find out how big she actually is (well as accurately as an ultrasound can really tell you!). I'm hoping she is right on target in the "average" percentiles for size. The bigger she is, the high chance that they'll want to induce me earlier. Though frankly with as uncomfortable as I am already getting, it is hard to imagine how I will feel in 8 weeks time!!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Weekly Update
How far along? 31 Weeks
How big is baby? 19 inches, head to toe and 3.9 pounds! (wow! seriously nearly 4 lbs??? explains why I feel her so much these days!)
Total weight gain/loss: Still trying to avoid the scale to some extent but staying within that +/- 2lbs to pre-pregnancy weight.
Movement: She is a busy girl. People want to feel too (like my mom etc) and it doesn't seem to be regular enough to share (even with Nick sometimes), but she is getting big and strong. I feel her higher now too, well above my belly button, despite the fact that she is still sitting nice and low. Just getting big I suppose! There's a whole baby in there!
Food cravings: none
Food Aversions: nothing very unusual
Gender: All girl!
Labor Signs: Experiencing more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions. Really only exercise induced (walking does it for sure, but I even had one in water aerobics the other night), or if I don't go to the bathroom quickly enough. Amazing how a full bladder will let you know that you need to get moving!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Just having energy to function semi-normally on a regular basis. I'm not sure how I am going to make it through 5 more weeks of work!
What I am looking forward to: Sorting through all of our baby items and getting her room organized!
Weekly Wisdom: Women are incredibly strong beings to endure pregnancy!
Milestones: not any true milestones that I can think of...
Bump Picture: Another semi cheat, but hey, it's a picture!
How big is baby? 19 inches, head to toe and 3.9 pounds! (wow! seriously nearly 4 lbs??? explains why I feel her so much these days!)
Total weight gain/loss: Still trying to avoid the scale to some extent but staying within that +/- 2lbs to pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? I haven't even tried my pre-pregnancy pants in awhile. I think I have one pair of jeans that might still fit, but I'm pretty happy in my dresses these days.
Sleep: seriously- I could sleep all day every day right now. Or at least stay in bed that long and be totally happy. I am EXHAUSTED all the time, despite sleeping pretty solidly (well relatively speaking for a pregnant lady).
Best moment this week: My family shower! Such a wonderful reminder of the lineage that my baby girl is entering into!
Movement: She is a busy girl. People want to feel too (like my mom etc) and it doesn't seem to be regular enough to share (even with Nick sometimes), but she is getting big and strong. I feel her higher now too, well above my belly button, despite the fact that she is still sitting nice and low. Just getting big I suppose! There's a whole baby in there!
Food cravings: none
Food Aversions: nothing very unusual
Gender: All girl!
Labor Signs: Experiencing more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions. Really only exercise induced (walking does it for sure, but I even had one in water aerobics the other night), or if I don't go to the bathroom quickly enough. Amazing how a full bladder will let you know that you need to get moving!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Just having energy to function semi-normally on a regular basis. I'm not sure how I am going to make it through 5 more weeks of work!
What I am looking forward to: Sorting through all of our baby items and getting her room organized!
Weekly Wisdom: Women are incredibly strong beings to endure pregnancy!
Milestones: not any true milestones that I can think of...
Bump Picture: Another semi cheat, but hey, it's a picture!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
What a week!
It's been a big week- or really couple of days. Friday I had my regular pre-natal checkup. I am ramping up, this appointment being only 3 weeks after the last one. My next appointment is in only 2 weeks, which will be the norm until I get to 36 weeks and ramp up again to every week! Guess I'd better get used to visiting Kaiser!
Anyhow the appointment went well. I remembered how much I really like my OB/GYN since the last appointment was with a different doctor. I really had a chance to talk with my normal practitioner about concerns. Nothing major but with the GD diagnosis, I am a little more aware of each little symptom as I experience it. I've just been SO tired the last couple of weeks (which seemed a little early to me), and it reflects in my blood sugar numbers. Other than that, baby girl's heart rate was 150- going strong, and my fundal height is still measuring about on target.
Only other news from the appointment is that I have my growth ultrasound scheduled for 32 weeks (I thought it was 36 weeks), so that is coming up in just a couple of weeks! I also start my non-stress tests that week, which involves strapping me up to the fetal monitor for about 30 minutes, to monitor the heart rate. They are looking for acceleration and deceleration (expected ups and downs) as well as how the baby responds when it moves, and if I am having any contractions, how it responds to that. In addition to this, they will also use ultrasound to verify amniotic fluid levels. So in two short weeks we will have all sorts of information about how Isabella is fairing these days (other than kicking her mommy around on the inside!).
The other excitement this week was my second shower, the family shower. We had the shower today at a local restaurant/inn. It was hosted by Nick's grandmother (the great Noni to be), and two of his aunts. It was a very lovely event. We were set up outside on the patio near the pool. The decorations were lovely- bright colors, fresh flowers. The food was delicious (I had a yummy salmon, mmm).
Most importantly though, I was surrounded by several generations of wonderful women from both sides of our families. It has struck me most how this baby girl that I am growing, is truly a member of this group of women. She is the next generation in two families with many strong women. There were nearly 40 of us present today, and so much love and joy within that. If you ever wonder about marriage and how it ties two families together, well add a child to the mix and you won't wonder again! Nick's family is forever more my family because my child is a direct line now too. My family is truly always now connected to Nick for the same reason. Not that there was any doubt before, but the bond just seems so much stronger now, it is hard to explain.
Enough of the cheesy sentimental stuff now. =) I spent close to half of the shower opening gifts for this little girl. Not even here yet and already spoiled! The outfits are unbelievable- so many unique and adorable ones. As I sign off I'll show you just how lucky she is!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Weekly update
How far along? 30 Weeks
How big is baby? 18 inches, head to toe and 3.2 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss: haven't weighed myself this week, but I was holding steady at about pre-pregnancy weight last I checked, with water weight swinging me up 4 lbs, or down 2 lbs.
Movement: Lots and lots! Still no "alien" movements where I can tell what body parts are poking me, but plenty of thumps and bumps. =)
Food cravings: none
Food Aversions: nothing very unusual
Gender: All girl!
Labor Signs: no signs yet!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: having energy and the ability to function semi normally!
What I am looking forward to: Shower #2! Family shower is this Saturday!
Weekly Wisdom: Just when you think you've got this figured out, it will change.
Milestones: I don't know that there have been any major milestones this week, unless the shower counts as one!
Bump Picture: A semi cheat- but here is a nice shot from my shower!
How big is baby? 18 inches, head to toe and 3.2 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss: haven't weighed myself this week, but I was holding steady at about pre-pregnancy weight last I checked, with water weight swinging me up 4 lbs, or down 2 lbs.
Maternity clothes? exclusively- except some dresses that might as well be maternity, and sweats with very loose elastic waist bands! =)
Sleep: should I be doing that?? Kidding, I could sleep all day if I didn't have things to do!
Best moment this week: My friends shower. It was so fun!
Movement: Lots and lots! Still no "alien" movements where I can tell what body parts are poking me, but plenty of thumps and bumps. =)
Food cravings: none
Food Aversions: nothing very unusual
Gender: All girl!
Labor Signs: no signs yet!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: having energy and the ability to function semi normally!
What I am looking forward to: Shower #2! Family shower is this Saturday!
Weekly Wisdom: Just when you think you've got this figured out, it will change.
Milestones: I don't know that there have been any major milestones this week, unless the shower counts as one!
Bump Picture: A semi cheat- but here is a nice shot from my shower!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Shower #1- Friends!
Yesterday was my first baby shower. It was hosted by my two wonderful sisters at my home, and was with all my girlfriends. I had a truly fabulous time.
The favors were adorable potted pink flowers. My sisters even made me a "potted plant" of onesies, hats, etc. It was very cute
We played a couple of non embarrassing games too. First up was the baby food tasting. Sarah brought a selection of items that she actually made/makes for her daughter, so none of that scary store bought jar stuff. The items were: spinach, carrots, chard, sweet potatoes, peas, blueberries, and oatmeal/bananas. Then there was a bottle full of jelly beans (guess how many are in there?). Finally everyone played "the price is right" with baby items. Most people were shocked at how expensive some of the items were! I kept joking with my girlfriends that are reaching baby stage- "doesn't it make you want to be pregnant now!?!"... =)
So it was really a wonderful, wonderful day. I get so busy with my life sometimes that I forget what an amazing circle of friends I have. So many amazing women in my life from all different areas. It was nice to have so many of them together in the same time and place. It also makes me excited that I am bringing another amazing woman into the world. But she gets to be a sweet baby girl first. =)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Weekly Update
How far along? 29 Weeks
How big is baby? 17 inches, head to toe and just over 3 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss: between .5 and 2 lbs over pre-pregnancy weight. The joys of water weight keeps me guessing!
Maternity clothes? Yes, and lots of empire waisted dresses.
Sleep: ever needed- ever elusive...
Best moment this week: Setting up the nursery!
Movement: Being monitored every day with kick counts now. She usually gives me 10 movements in 10-30 minutes (the doctors want it in less than 2 hours)... Busy little girl!
Food cravings: none
Food Aversions: nothing very unusual
Gender: All girl!
Labor Signs: no signs yet!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, and not waddling!
What I am looking forward to: My showers! This weekend I get to celebrate with my lady friends! So excited!
Weekly Wisdom: It helps having friends who are interested in what you are going through. Sometimes you get sick of hearing yourself talk about it, but when someone is truly interested, it can be fun!
Milestones: Finishing the nursery!!!
Bump Picture: No empty promises this week, but I really do mean to try. =)
How big is baby? 17 inches, head to toe and just over 3 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss: between .5 and 2 lbs over pre-pregnancy weight. The joys of water weight keeps me guessing!
Maternity clothes? Yes, and lots of empire waisted dresses.
Sleep: ever needed- ever elusive...
Best moment this week: Setting up the nursery!
Movement: Being monitored every day with kick counts now. She usually gives me 10 movements in 10-30 minutes (the doctors want it in less than 2 hours)... Busy little girl!
Food cravings: none
Food Aversions: nothing very unusual
Gender: All girl!
Labor Signs: no signs yet!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, and not waddling!
What I am looking forward to: My showers! This weekend I get to celebrate with my lady friends! So excited!
Weekly Wisdom: It helps having friends who are interested in what you are going through. Sometimes you get sick of hearing yourself talk about it, but when someone is truly interested, it can be fun!
Milestones: Finishing the nursery!!!
Bump Picture: No empty promises this week, but I really do mean to try. =)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Well the nursery is nearly done. I have a few additional things to complete (a name placard that will be painted over the "blessings" sign, wall hangings that need to be hung, curtains, etc), but you get the general idea.
I promised pictures when I got to this point, and pictures you shall get! I'm pretty pleased with the result. I will not likely be posting any future pictures of this so if you want to see the final result, you'll just have to come and visit us! =)
The crib. That is the comforter hanging in the window.
A straight shot, the crib and the dresser on the left.
The comfiest glider/rocker/recliner ever! With the wall hangings that match the bedding above it. The white table will have a lamp on it too, but I still need to find that.
The dresser and shelf above it. The dresser will also function as the changing table- we just need to get the changing pad to sit on top. The shelf will eventually be functional for diaper items. The "blessings" board will be painted for a name placard and the "dreams" board will be hung above the crib.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Weekly Update
How far along? 28 Weeks
How big is baby? 17 inches, head to toe and nearly 3 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss: Still only a couple of pounds up! Here's hoping we can stay close to that!
Maternity clothes? Exclusively, and not just by choice any more!
Sleep: rough. Tossing and turning a lot at night.
Best moment this week: scheduling the carpet to be installed in the nursery!
Movement: Constant and regular.
Food cravings: none
Food Aversions: nothing very unusual
Gender: All girl!
Labor Signs: no signs yet!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Sleep! (still)
What I am looking forward to: Being on maternity and floating in the pool until Isabella decides to join us!
Weekly Wisdom: It always changes! Just keep your head up!
Milestones: Starting kick counts yesterday and it only took 11 minutes to feel 10 kicks!
Bump Picture: I'll try. I promise!
How big is baby? 17 inches, head to toe and nearly 3 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss: Still only a couple of pounds up! Here's hoping we can stay close to that!
Maternity clothes? Exclusively, and not just by choice any more!
Sleep: rough. Tossing and turning a lot at night.
Best moment this week: scheduling the carpet to be installed in the nursery!
Movement: Constant and regular.
Food cravings: none
Food Aversions: nothing very unusual
Gender: All girl!
Labor Signs: no signs yet!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Sleep! (still)
What I am looking forward to: Being on maternity and floating in the pool until Isabella decides to join us!
Weekly Wisdom: It always changes! Just keep your head up!
Milestones: Starting kick counts yesterday and it only took 11 minutes to feel 10 kicks!
Bump Picture: I'll try. I promise!
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