I'm seeing a pattern here! Hopefully I'll have more interesting things to write about as the pregnancy progresses so it isn't just one post between weekly updates!
How far along? 25 Weeks
How big is baby? 9.2 inches crown to rump and about 2 pounds- apparently still the size of an eggplant.
Total weight gain/loss: Still down about 4 lbs from pre-pregnancy. This baby is clearly growing now!
Maternity clothes? Yes- I don't like to wear the few non maternity items that I can because now I just look HUGE in them! =)
Sleep: Not so much lately. Between sore hips and arms that fall asleep when sleeping on my side, sleeps been eluding me.
Best moment this week: watching my belly bounce due to her kicks!
Movement: Stronger and more frequent. I pretty consistently feel her after meals, in the morning and at night.
Food cravings: Still no food cravings.
Food Aversions: still hate onions and strong smells in general
Gender: All girl!
Labor Signs: still feeling possible Braxton Hicks contractions on occasion, but nothing really.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Sleep! (still)
What I am looking forward to: Really being able to see her from the outside. As "alien" as it is, it made me smile last night.
Weekly Wisdom: pregnancy is a crazy crazy thing
Milestones: Seeing movement on the outside!
Bump Picture: I promise to post one when I take it tonight at home.
You've been lazy with the pictures, pretty mama-to-be! I want belly and nursery in the next week! LOVE YOU!