This weekend we were dog sitting for Nick's coworker. The dog is actually Sadie's brother (litter mate) and the two of them could be twins. Anyhow when the coworker dropped the dog off she brought a little thank you gift for watching him of some very cute baby outfits. She also asked if I was registered at Target "yet".
For those of you who have never had to register, particularly for a baby, or perhaps for whom it has been awhile, let me tell you, this is no small task. I don't know why I got it in my head, but Babies R Us was the first place I went. Nick and I spent an afternoon with the gun in the store logging items into our registry. Then I added a few items at Hellers for Children, which is a higher end baby store, because a couple of our items are not carried through the other major retailers.
Well after getting the majority of this task done at these two stores I decided "that's plenty- who needs more than two!?!" Unfortunately Nick's coworker asking me about Target made me realize that Babies R Us is not particularly convenient for those local friends of ours. Although they added an annex in San Rafael, the majority of items are only at the Marin City location. And so, yesterday afternoon, I took on the massive task of moving most of my Babies R Us registry over to Target.
I am about 95% done with this task now, thank goodness. I still have to decide on a rocker/glider and a mattress, as well as some bedding. These all require an in person visit however to verify quality to price. Of course the rocker/glider and the mattress are items I will likely buy myself, but I think putting items like that on are good because it helps add to an overall picture of style and quality selection for those who wish to purchase off the registry.
The good news is that I am nearly done. Or at least I think so. The bad news is the deeper into the registry I got, the more overwhelmed I became! So many choices and things I should be researching! There's only so much research you can do though before it all starts to look the same.
At the end of the day though this is for a good reason. I'm lucky enough to have people in my life who want me to register and want to spoil this baby rotten. So I'm not complaining, just very glad to not have to look at 8,000 different hooded towel options again. =)
Tomorrow is weekly update- and this time I'll be adding my first bump picture!
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