Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Re (5): oa

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It is better to be the widow of a hero than the wife of a coward.

From: Karey Gauthier
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2016 11:53:27 +0000
To: Kiana S Mom Valerie Kodzoman
Subject: Re (5): oa

Mail Code: 4fec2

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I'm Okay... Or Not...

I have had a number of people ask me lately if I am okay.  They notice I am struggling in one way or another.  So they ask.  So here is my answer.

I am not okay.  I am struggling.  I hurt more than I don't.  I'm angry often.  I don't understand where I fit in this world.  I had the one person who was supposed to be in my corner for life, betray me.  Then fight me.  My health has been up and down.  I have fought hard.  I am tired.  I simultaneously know that I have a great deal to offer the world, and yet feel I cannot do anything.  Most of all- my heart is still really broken- not over the man, but over the life.  My entire life has exploded.  Nearly all of what I knew is no longer.  Even as I recognize that the life hadn't fit me well, until you have completely dismantled your life and had to put it back together, you won't know the ache of messiness that is this process.

And at the same time...

I am okay.  I have truly wonderful, good people in my life who love and support me.  I have two amazing children.  I have a great job with a fantastic boss.  I have a reliable car to drive.  I have a home.  I have plenty of food to eat.  I am alive.  I wake up every day.  I have the strength to know I can continue to put one foot in front of the other.  I beat cancer.  I survived infidelity.  Ultimately- I've got this.

I am asking for nothing.  Kindness and understanding are always welcome.  Honesty too.  I know I have faults.  They run pretty deep.  But if you know me, you should know that my heart is softer than most and I never intend harm.  Not really.  If I'm being a jerk, odds are that I am in an enormous amount of pain.  I'm like a rolo- hard shell, gooey on the inside.  If you can- keep that in mind.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


I have really been struggling lately.  I can feel the storm in and around me, and ultimately I do trust that it is the process of transformation.  Gratefully I have experienced some of the benefits of the transformation.  However, some old demons have also risen.  The demons I have been dealing with are insecurity in friendship.  I truly believed I had overcome these demons, but what I have realized is that they are tied up in my sense of feeling like I am seen and loved and deemed worthy and important.

Last spring my community felt solid.  I knew who my people were and where we all fit in each other's lives.  Then lives changed.  It happens.  There was no way to avoid schedules changing and no longer lining up.  What I didn't expect was the changes that happened with that.  In retrospect it seems pretty obvious that when your life takes you to new places and around new people, and no longer with the same rhythm of those you had before, that your relationships will change too.  New people will fill in, new needs will develop.

Even with all of this intellectual knowledge my insecurities have taken over.  I worry that people have compassion fatigue with me because the challenges of my life keep coming.  I worry that the new friend is more important, better, closer, etc...  I worry that I'm not as important to them as they are to me.  I worry that I don't matter.

It has been a challenging few months to say the least.  I don't see the light but I know it is there.  Blind faith.  Trust.  I have it all.  I guess now I just need a little pixie dust.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Is it real?

I have been on a bit of a downward spiral of late.  Struggling across many facets of life.  As an indication- my Christmas tree is still up.  Yes.  It is nearly Valentines day and I haven't managed to get my tree down.  I manage to get my kids to school, and fed healthy food, and to bed on time.  I manage to show up for my own job, albeit for less hours than my boss (and I) would ultimately like.  And that is where my success stories pretty much stop.  I have been fighting severe, chronic fatigue for over a year now.  It comes and goes, so I didn't see it as an overall issue until recently.  I've spent the last year believing it was due to hypothyroid (possibly Hashimoto's syndrome) and/or adrenal fatigue.  Although I'm not totally taking those things off the list, I have come to a new, more likely culprit for my exhaustion.

Sleep disorder.

I have been referred to a sleep center for a sleep study.  We reviewed what I know and it looks highly likely that I suffer from sleep apnea.  There are some other possibilities as well, but for now I am focusing on that one.

Once I began considering this as an issue, I started to realize that I may have suffered from this my whole life.  There are many times that I look back at my life and have moments of such extreme exhaustion that were clearly at a clinical level of unusual, but I simply took to be normal.  I remember getting in trouble at work once because I had to do a late airport run (delayed flight) and called in late the night before because I knew I would be non-functionally tired.  My then supervisor asked me how I could possibly know I'd be too tired.  I thought she was nuts and wondered how could you not know you'd be that tired.  If I got less than a full 8 hours of sleep, I was affected by it.  I thought that was normal.  We should be getting 8 hours right?  Less should make us tired, right?

Apparently, not exactly the way I experience it... Lack of sleep affects everything.  So the past few days I've really had to fight believing what I'm feeling.  Right now I feel depressed, disconnected, exhausted, sore, run down, and overwhelmed.  Life is too much.  I want so desperately for my life to be happier, better, fuller, but I can't even stay on top of what is on my plate right now.

My sleep study is scheduled for this week.  I am staying focused on not believing how I feel until I get some answers and some solutions.  Once I can start sleeping well, hopefully the rest will resolve itself.  Fingers crossed!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Working Brain

Several different posts have been percolating in my brain for awhile now.  Between a lack of time and energy, and a lack of clear focused thought, I haven't written anything... So here I am, writing what will no doubt be a rambling post to start finding some coherence to these thoughts...

One of the big topics that has been brewing is what it means to be a single mom.  Things I wish people would understand, things I wish people would do, and how I wish I was seen.  I've noticed some of my own judgments, and also judgments of others (well presumed judgments based on actions)... This perpetual feeling that I'm not enough in any capacity.  I don't have it in me to be all things to all people.  A patient mommy full of crafts and positive discipline.  A hardworking employee with productive, disciplined focus.  A fun friend who listens and plays and shows up.  A grown up that handles all the cooking and cleaning and bill paying.  It feels like so much, and yet it is just life.  I'm certain that I need to write the post of "what I wish you knew" or something to that effect in terms of my life as a single mom.  How it affects my ability to be present, and how desperately lonely it can be.  For now though, suffice it to say, it is crazy hard.  And yes, I have shared custody, and an ex who pays his child support and alimony with no issues.  And it is still insanely hard.  And I still feel like I'm failing every single day.

Another topic has been how to move on after betrayal.  I've really found that I am stuck in hurt and anger.  There is a lot to be explored there as I watch my ex, who used to be my best friend, and who promised to love me forever, move on with his life with his prefab family, while I struggle.  The crushing blow that is to my deep need and sense of justice in the world.  Infidelity is a brutal one.  Especially when the relationship continues beyond the end of the marriage.  It is a pain and betrayal unlike any other.  I want so badly to forgive and move on with my own life, but the hurt is very sticky.

Finally I am approaching my five year cancerversary.  I'm still unclear if the official designation is the date of diagnosis, or the date of "cancer free" but I will acknowledge my diagnosis date for now.  Which is this month.  There is so much to say around the magical five year marker.  Have I moved on from cancer?  Hard to say... Meanwhile I struggle with severe chronic fatigue which seems to be causing other health issues.  The good news is I think I may have some answers soon.  But the fascinating thing is how ever present the fear of cancer remains.  Something is wrong?  Could it be cancer?

So there you have it.  A preview of topics to come.  I'm sure there are more ideas percolating that my tired brain has forgotten at the moment... Lord knows my life looks awfully different today that it did even six months ago.  Time flies when you're having... fun???